Vertigo is a symptom, rather than the condition itself. It’s that feeling you get when something or someone moves and makes noise around us; like we’re spinning at speeds different from everyone else in our environment! This can be barely noticeable (or not so severe) which means most times it won’t interfere with day-to-day tasks much but sometimes attacks come on suddenly for no reason whatsoever: making normal life impossible then too difficult because balance isn’t reliable anymore.
Those who suffer from migraines may experience four stages: prodrome, aura attack and post-drome. Not everyone will go through all these processes though some only experience one or two of them before their condition improves greatly with time. The first thing you should know about your migraine is that it can progress in a number different ways depending on how severe they are! Prodromal means “the beginning” so this stage typically starts off subtle for many people; A telltale sign would be feeling sicker than normal but not having any other symptoms just headaches.
Ménière’s disease is an uncommon condition that causes frequent episodes of vertigo.
A series of simple head movements (the Epley maneuver) can be used to treat it, and medicines like prochlorperazine or antihistamines may help at the early stages; VRT exercises are also helpful in some cases for people who suffer from dizziness and balance problems as well.
Self Care
One of the most effective ways to alleviate symptoms caused by vertigo is following these simple tips. If your doctor tells you do certain exercises, make sure they’re easy for both body and mind; avoid bending down when picking up items as this will extend necks into an uncomfortable position – instead reach up high on shelves or lean forward slightly while standing still (carefully!) if able—to get what we need without making ourselves sicker.
Fear of heights
The fear of heights and the feeling that comes with it, is not just for acrophobics. Many people have this phobia without even knowing! The medical term for these feelings associated with looking down from high places is “acrofanophobia”.
Diagnosing Vertigo
Sometimes people don’t know what’s wrong with them. That can happen if you’ve never had anything like this before or have recently developed new symptoms that are suspicious for something else but could also just be coincidence. Your GP will ask about any unusual health problems and do some simple tests to help diagnose the problem quickly so it gets treated as soon possible.