Plantar Fasciitis

The heel is one of the most sensitive areas on your body, and when it becomes injured or painful there are many causes to consider. Plantar fasciitis occurs when inflammation damages plantar fascia – a thick band connecting our heels with toes (the “heel bone”). This can lead us into an endless cycle where we feel discomfort while practicing certain activities such as standing up after sitting down for long periods time; then these same symptoms return even more upon stepping onto ground again.


The pain in your foot can be quite debilitating. You may think that it’s a good idea to take off for days at time, but this will only make things worse as well. I recommend getting anti-inflammatory medication and ice packs straight away before starting any other treatments since they work wonders on soothing these types of ailments fast enough without having lasting side effects or compromising healthy tissue too much which would lead towards more serious complications down the line such as nerve damage from excessive inflammation.


The plantar fascia is an important part of your body that supports the arch and absorbs shock when walking. Tension on this band can cause small tears, which irritate or inflame it in some cases but remain unclear as to why they happen so often with no clear solutions available other than rest for now!


Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain, and it can be diagnosed based on your medical history as well as physical examination. During this exam you will likely have an area checked for tenderness which may help determine what has caused the problem in some cases.

Imaging Tests

The heel is a very important part of our body and we should take care not to damage it. An X-ray can often show if there are any issues with how bones connect together in the foot, which may lead to pain from inflammation or arthritis. The most common spur found on someone’s heel would be just plain old calcium buildup due too wear-and tear over time without their knowledge (or consent). This type doesn’t affect movement at all so they won’t necessarily know you removed something important!


Plantar fasciitis can be very difficult to live with, but there are many ways that you may combat the pain. Stretching and icing of your feet is one way or conservative treatment for this condition; however it’s important not miss out on activities because they cause irritation in some people who have chronic issues like plantar fasciitis.

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