Pain Management

Pain Management

Are you searching for effective pain management solutions in Yorktown, VA? Look no further. At Strength From Within, we offer comprehensive services to address a range of pain conditions, including back pain, sciatica, and migraines. Our unique approach as Posture and Movement Specialists can make a great complement to chiropractic care. We utilise a blend…

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

The shoulder joint is a ball-and socket type of connection between the arm and upper body that allows for forward/backward movement, as well rotation. The AC Joint located below this area helps with stability during movements by providing an attachment site on one side while allowing some space in other directions so it can expand…



The most common cause of sciatica pain is an herniated disk. This type can also radiate down into your leg and may be sharp, shooting or burning-like in nature with respect to where you experience it at any given time though out day/night whereas other causes might not have these characteristics so much but rather…

Phantom Pain

Phantom Pain

Amputations are a life changing event for many people, and the most common cause of this kind is due to peripheral vascular disease. traumatic cases happen more often in young adults while phantoms can be annoying after surgery but don’t usually cause much trouble unless they’re persistent with pain that doesn’t go away-in which case…

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic Pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain could be caused by many different things and before making the diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain, other treatable causes must firstly addressed with help from your primary care physician or gynecologist. Conditions such as gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may also simulate symptoms that closely resemble those associated with PCP…

Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a significant source of discomfort for many patients. The general location may be multifactorial and relate to muscle, nerve or bone problems in the neck area along with joint issues such as arthritic changes that can cause tremendous physical stress on muscles surrounding your spine’solonelaxis – leading you feel like there’s no…

Musculoskeletal Pain

Musculoskeletal Pain

The bones, muscles , ligaments and tendons are all connected by nerves. This means that pain can travel from one area to another through these different channels . It’s important for people with musculoskeletal conditions like fibromyalgia or anterior cruciate ligament deficiency (ACL) who experience widespread discomfort because their symptoms might be masking something entirely…

Joint Pain

Joint Pain

The Greek origins of this term, Arthralgia mean “joint pain.” It may be caused by injury or infection. But it can also arise out disease like arthritis which affects the joints themselves. Causes We understand that the causes of joint pain can be varied and range from a joints perspective. Our diagnosis begins with listening…

Hip Pain

Hip Pain

The hip is a very important area for movement. It’s not always easy to determine the cause of pain in this region, but some common causes include disk herniations or pinched nerves that result from referring discomfort into your legs and feet while exercising too much (lifestyle). Another possibility would be arthritis causave bursitis inflammation…

Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel

“We get it. You may have been told just to live with your pain, but that’s not necessary anymore.” With our help you can address the root causes of carpal tunnel and from there move on toward Wherever life takes us! If your spine is crooked, your pelvis tucked under and you’re rounded forward. As…